Forming future peacebuilders.


SIGNIS’ direct efforts with young adults has seen great strides toward social change for peace. Our current programs develop young people into leaders. Leaders producing media on themes of justice, peace and our common home that are now used to educate their communities in a multitude of ways, and other leaders that are now suggesting themes and stories for publications as a part of a SIGNIS correspondents’ global network.

SIGNIS Talent+ is a collaborative, global initiative providing the next generation of communicators with the inspiration, knowledge and support to tell their stories and those of the people in their communities and across the globe.  In order to engage young people at a deeper level and inspire action and long-term engagement, we provide opportunities for them to contribute and create content. 

This group of SIGNIS Talent+ participants will craft new ways of planning, communicating and advancing social change that leverage a culture of peace -- enabling development, security, social and economic justice, and reconciliation throughout the world.